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Our Story

SkinnyDips..looking for a dip with a depth of flavor, that is sunflower and pepita baed without nuts, dairy, or chickpeas? You've found it in SkinnyDips. Our three flavor offering starts off with the smooth and flavorful OriginalSkinny, turns on the heat with HotandSkinny, bringing in cayenne and hints of black pepper. Lastly, we finish with Smokin'Hotand Skinny, where chipotle peppers and arboreal seasoning smoke and heat up the flavors. 

SkinnyChimi, our version of the classic South American chimichurri is heavy on greens, and light on the oil. This leaves this chimi with a cleaner taste on the front end and back end, as well room left for the consumer to 'fatten them up' to their desired taste with additional olive oil. it complements steak, chicken, fish, and lamb, as well as makes for a great base for a salad dressing, or stands alone with chips and crudités as a dip. SkinnySalsa, unique to our green salsa recipe is the herbaceous overtones that come from its chimichurri base. We add roasted green peppers and a special spice mix to create a taste that lets you know it's both different and uniquely healthy.

More About Skinny Dips

As nut based dips have grown out of a desire for non-dairy and an alternative to hummus products, our plant and seed-based dips are a further exciting evolution. Not only do we offer the full flavor of a herbaceous, adaptable, and fresh SkinnyChimi and SkinnySalsa, we have also created a sunflower seed and pepita based OriginalSkinny, Hot and Skinny, and our chipotle based Smokin' Hot and Skinny dips. All five live up to the full flavor promise, with no dairy, and a fraction of the fat, carbs and calories of the other products you find on the refrigerated dip shelves.

Organic Vegetables
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